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吃一堑长一智的意思(“吃一堑长一智” 的英文原来这么简单!你知道怎么说吗? 双向翻译|79期)

79期 Nervous at an Interview II 导读今天的短文会带来几个非常实用的表达,在看文章之前,你知道下面的短语是什么意思吗?
#1 have a frog in your throat
#2 my heart was beating a mile a minute
#3 you live and learn

Nervous at an Interview (Part 2)

I was just in time for my interview and I was very nervous. I walked up to the receptionist. She was talking into a headset and typing on her keyboard.

David: Good morning. I’m David Laso. I have an appointment with Dale Mendoza at 10 o’clock. Could you please let her know that I’m here?

Receptionist: Please have a seat and I’ll tell her.

About three minutes later, a man came out of the office and approached me. He introduced himself as Ben, Ms. Mendoza’s administrative assistant. He told me he would show me to her office.

I followed him and we stopped in front of an office door with a placard on the door with the name “Dale Mendoza” and her title “Vice President” written on it. Ben knocked on the door and opened it. By this time, I was feeling more confident and was actually looking forward to the interview.

Then I saw Dale Mendoza. She was the same woman who was in the elevator on my way up. I had been so nervous that I just couldn’t stop talking. I had told her how nervous I was about this interview. I had even told her about my nightmare with a three-headed monster interviewing me for a job. And now, here she was, my potential new boss.

Dale: Hello, you must be David. It’s nice to meet you.

There was a frog in my throat. My heart was beating a mile a minute.

David: It’s nice to meet you, too.

Dale: Have a seat and make yourself comfortable. You see? I only have one head and I don’t even bite.

Needless to say, that was not my best interview. But, you live and learn. I’ll know next time to keep my mouth shut!

1have a frog in your throat
There was a frog in my throat. 
have a frog in your throat, 指因为干哑,疼痛或者过于紧张、害怕而说不出话来。
I have such a frog in my throat from this cold that I can barely talk! 这感冒使得我喉咙完全堵住了,几乎说不了话。
中文有个成语叫如鲠在喉,英语里更为接近的说法是 stick in sb’s throat. 表示由于常常因为强烈的情绪影响有话说不出,堵在喉咙的感觉。

It really sticks in my throat that I did all the work, and she’s getting all the credit.

She wanted to say how sorry she was but the words seemed to stick in her throat. 她想道歉但是道歉的话堵在喉咙说不出来。
有个类似的俚语叫have a lump in/to your throat,指哽咽的感觉,想哭的感觉。
His words brought a lump to my throat. 他的话让我哽咽。
今天的文章是关于一次紧张的面试,其实紧张还有一个表达就是 sb’s heart is in his/her throat, means extremely nervous. 跟中文里的“心脏快提到嗓子眼儿”是差不多的意思。
2a mile in a minute
My heart was beating a mile a minute.

a mile a minute, 一分钟一英里。一英里等于1609米,一分钟内跑了1600多米,形容速度非常快;
That tour guide was talking a mile a minute, I couldn’t understand her at all.
I‘m so excited right now, my heart was beating a mile a minute.
Bob and Dan were going a mile a minute on the hike, I couldn’t keep up with them.
3make yourself comfortable
Dale: Have a seat and make yourself comfortable.
Dale: 请坐吧,让自己舒服些。

make yourself comfortable. 请自便,请随意的意思。当你是主人会客的时候,让对方放松不要拘谨的说辞。

中文里面我们招待客人时说的“把这当自己家就好了”,英文里也有同样的说法:just make yourself at home.
4needless to say
Needless to say, that was not my best interview.不用说都知道,那次面试我表现不咋地。

Needless to say, 不用说都知道,毫无疑问。用来表示事情的结果是如此明显,大家都知道的,无需多赘言的意思。

Needless to say, I should have failed both. 不用说,我两科都应该挂掉。

5you live and learn

But, you live and learn. I’ll know next time to keep my mouth shut!

you live and learn. 吃一堑,长一智。
I left my bike unlocked for five minutes and it was stolen. You live and learn I suppose. 我的自行车没有上锁,5分钟就被偷了。吃一堑,长一智吧。

双向翻译法 是意大利语言学家Luca Lampariello的语言学习秘诀,他通过这种方法学会了12门外语。双向翻译比单纯的背诵能更有效地帮助你吸收和内化语言知识,让你更快的掌握这门语言。
下面,请根据中文的提示,回译成英文。最好录下来,然后和原文对比。有差异、有错的地方,就是你语法薄弱的点,再看native speaker是怎么表达的。这个动作非常重要,因为能给你及时反馈,代替了老师的作用,而且还是免费的。

David: 早上,我叫David Laso. 我约了Dale Mendoza10点面试。你能不能通知她我已经到了。前台:请坐,我会告诉她的。大约三分钟后,一个男人从办公室出来并朝我走来。他介绍自己是Ben, Mendoza女士的助理。他会带我去她的办公室。我跟着他走到一个办公室前停下了。办公室的门上有个门牌写着名字“Dale Mendoza”和职位“副总裁”。Ben敲了敲门并把门打开。这个时候,我感觉相当自信,并且很期待面试。接着我见到了Dale Mendoza。她就是跟我一起坐电梯的那个女士。我今早太紧张了以致于我一直在讲讲讲。我告诉她我来面试有多紧张。我还告诉她那个有三头怪兽面试我的噩梦。现在,她就在这,我可能的未来老板。Dale: 你好。你一定是David了。很高兴见到你。我当时嗓子说不出话来了,心跳得很快。David: 很高兴见到你。Dale: 请坐吧,让自己舒服些。你看,我只有一个脑袋并且我不咬人。不用说都知道,那次面试我表现不咋地。但,吃一堑,长一智。下次我知道要闭嘴了。
(2)She’s taking all my credit 是什么意思?
(4)You live and you learn, 学会了吗?

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